Exchange with Politics
Parliamentary breakfast for knowledge transfer and identification of research needs
On 28.1. the DAM invited to the parliamentary breakfast. Under strict hygiene regulations, Michael Klein, Chairman of the DAM Board, and the heads of the DAM core areas presented the objectives, structure and tasks of the German Alliance for Marine Research to the new members of the German Bundestag.
This date is the start of a series of other planned events in the parliamentary space. The aim is to introduce the findings of German marine research into politics and society, and at the same time to determine the need of political representatives for further scientific research in the field of seas and oceans – in short: to build a bridge between science, politics and society in terms of knowledge transfer , so that everyone can benefit from the findings of German marine research institutions. “We are very pleased that, despite the pandemic, we had the opportunity to discuss issues relating to the sustainable use of the seas and oceans with the MPs,” summarizes Michael Klein, “We have received many valuable impulses that go into the work will be incorporated into the DAM, and we are already looking forward to the next appointments for an exchange with politicians.”
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