Knowledge for Decision-Making

Seas and oceans play a crucial role in global climate processes. They are among the most important ecosystems on earth and influence the lives of millions of people.
The DAM’s research missions will be transdisciplinary and focus on current and relevant challenges facing society in marine research, allowing science-based decisions to be made for the protection and sustainable use of coasts, seas and oceans with clear objectives. To achieve this, relevant non-university research institutions and universities are cooperating and coordinating their existing activities.
In order to identify research topics that bring the greatest possible benefit to society, the DAM developed a scientific process to identifiy research topics in 2021.
1st DAM Research Mission - CDRmareMarine Carbon Sinks
Role of the the ocean in uptake and storage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Sustainable use of marine resources and ecosystem services in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea
3rd DAM RESEARCH MISSION - mareXtremeMarine extreme events and natural hazards
Interactions of extreme events and natural hazards and their long-term impacts on marine ecosystems and coastal human life (start date: January 1, 2024).
Questions concerning Research Missions?
For further general information or questions on the research missions, please contact Annekatrin Lehmann. If you would like to receive regular updates related to the DAM research missions, please register for the DAM science mailing list via kontakt@allianz-meeresforschung.de. This list is intended exclusively for scientists and is an independent mailing list in addition to the DAM Newsletter.
Always up to date with the DAM newsletter. (German only)