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NEWS | 29.02.2024

Marine knowledge for your ears

GMT's new podcast episode "Exploring the Oceans" shows the importance of marine research and DAM research missions for a sustainable approach to the ocean.

In a new podcast episode 38 from the “Technology and the Sea” series by the Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik (GMT), a member of the DAM Stakeholder Forum, everything revolves around the importance of marine research in Germany for a more sustainable approach to coasts, seas and oceans.

Under the heading “Exploring the Oceans”, DAM Chairman Joachim Harms and moderator Bärbel Fening present the DAM research missions in particular as examples of successful interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary networked research, alongside the activities and objectives of the DAM. The three missions “CDRmare – “Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonisation Pathways”, “sustainMare – Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas” and the recently launched mission “mareXtreme – Pathways to Improved Risk Management in the Field of Marine Extreme Events and Natural Hazards” focus on current and relevant societal challenges in marine research. The unique feature of the DAM research missions is that they bring together researchers from different institutes and disciplines, as well as other stakeholders from politics, business and civil society. The aim is to conduct cross-institute research in order to create well-founded practical knowledge and thus support policymakers in their decision-making processes.

The mission spokespersons Andreas Oschlies, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (CDRmare), Corinna Schrum, HEREON Helmholtz Center, (sustainMare) and Beate Ratter, University of Hamburg (mareXtreme) will talk about the idea, background and research work behind the DAM research missions – and above all the urgency of preserving the oceans as the basis of life for all of us.

Go to the podcast:

Folge 38:  Das Meer erforschen – Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung

The podcast is only available in German.

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