The Future of Oceans
First Parliamentary Evening of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) in Kiel
The German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) combines 22 leading German marine research institutions with the aim of strengthening the sustainable use of coasts, seas and the ocean. On March 24th, the DAM provided an insight into its activities at a parliamentary evening in Kiel to members of the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament as well as representatives of ministries and state companies, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders. The evening’s presentation focussed on the DAM research mission “Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathways” (CDRmare).
How can the ocean help to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it safely in the long term? What is the impact of corresponding activities on the marine environment, the global system, and ultimately society? What are the approaches towards monitoring, attribution, and accounting of marine carbon storage? The DAM research mission “Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathways” (CDRmare) was the focus of the first Parliamentary Evening of the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM) on March 24, 2022 in Kiel. In addition, the mission “Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Area” (sustainMare), as well as the DAM as a network of now 22 research institutions from northern Germany, presented themselves in a panel discussion and individual discussions at “topic tables”. In addition to research, the DAM also works in the core areas of transfer, data management and digitalisation, and coordination of the infrastructures.
“The DAM represents an important strategic role for the participating federal states. This is especially true for Schleswig-Holstein as a state between the seas and Kiel as a center of marine research of international importance. We are pleased that the first DAM Parliamentary Evening could take place with us on the fjord,” emphasizes Katja Matthes, DAM Board Member and Director of GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. The participation of prime minister Daniel Günther and Karin Prien, Minister for Education, Science and Culture, as well as the active participation of the guests in the dialogue with the scientists present prove the relevance of the research topics addressed in the DAM. “Research for the protection and sustainable use of the ocean plays a key role in mitigating climate change and achieving the Paris climate goals. The DAM research missions are developing important action-oriented solutions for this.”
Simone Fulda, President of Kiel Christian Albrechts University (CAU) adds, “As a university with a research focus in marine sciences, we pay particular attention to the formation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary networks. Supported by scientific expertise, we want to contribute to the sustainable future of our coasts, seas and their health. The DAM research mission CDRmare with its six collaborative projects is therefore a perfect fit for us and also strengthens the profile of CAU.”
The dialogue on CDRmare focused on questions regarding the potential and feasibility of various methods for carbon dioxide removal and storage. Responsibilities and perspectives of different scientific disciplines were discussed, as well as the importance of a well functioning interaction of science, politics and society in the possible sustainable implementation. “It is clear that these forms of use must also always be approached with the protection of the oceans in mind,” explains Andreas Oschlies, co-spokesperson of the CDRmare mission and Professor of Marine Biogeochemical Modeling at GEOMAR. “To meet these challenges, all stakeholders need to work together. Only then can actionable knowledge such as our planned Marine Carbon Roadmap for the sustainable use of marine carbon stores emerge.”
DAM research mission
CDRmare „Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathways“
Analysing and evaluating measures to increase carbon dioxide uptake and storage by the oceans takes into account both risks and benefits, and assesses their potential as well as the economic, political, social and legal context and impacts. To achieve this, a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is required, as well as a close dialogue with stakeholders. By proposing concrete courses of action and consistently implementing knowledge transfer and data provision measures, the findings can subsequently be used by policy-makers and society. The DAM is thus fulfilling its mandate to develop science-based decision-making options for the sustainable management of coasts, seas and oceans.
DAM research mission
sustainMare „Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas“
The research mission aims to analyse and classify the use of and pressures on marine spaces in such a way that a scientifically sound basis is created for decisions by politics, authorities and the economy. A broad-based transdisciplinary research approach is chosen. The provision of concrete options for action and the consistent implementation of measures for knowledge transfer and data provision are intended to ensure the subsequent use of the results in politics and society. In this way, the DAM is fulfilling its mandate to develop science-based decision-making options for sustainable management of the coasts, seas and oceans.
DAM research mission
CDRmare „Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathways“
Dr. Christiane Schelten | cschelten@geomar.de
Ulrike Bernitt | ubernitt@geomar.de
DAM research mission
sustainMare „Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas“
Kai Hoppe | Kai.Hoppe@hereon.de
German Marine Research Alliance
Core area research
Dr. Annekatrin Lehmann | lehmann@deutsche-meeresforschung.de
Marion Juestel | juestel@allianz-meeresforschung.de
Header-picture: Discussion “Limiting climate change more effectively with the help of oceans: What are our options?” (left to right: Kristin Recke, Marie-Catherine Riekhof, Jochen Krause, Sophie Backsen, Corinna Schrumm, Andreas Oschlies). Credit: DAM / Frank Peter
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