The interactive World Ocean

The interactive world ocean

An interactive touch table exhibition and education tool

The “interactive world ocean” is a digital and interactive world map that invites you to dive in and explore our ocean. Interaction points allow you to immerse yourself in very different ocean regions – from the river and coastal systems to the open ocean and the deep sea, from the tropics to the polar regions. The presentation as an interactive world map forms an overarching thematic bracket, showing connections and linking regional focus points with a global perspective. The interactive world ocean is being developed with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).

The interactive world ocean can be used cross-medially on different devices. A version for tablets or smartboards for schools and other educational institutions is planned, as well as an exhibition of large-format interactive touchscreens for museums and conferences.

Ocean map with interaction points
Ocean map with interaction points

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At each interaction point, videos, photos or scientific data give you an insight into a particular ecosystem – showing what it looks like on the coast, underwater and on the seabed, what habitats there are and how people live from and with the ocean. Global data sets and satellite data visualisations show the global ocean currents, ship movements and productivity of marine areas. The data, photos and video material are sourced from our ocean science and marine research, especially from the DAM member institutions. In the future, data from a corresponding citizen science project could be integrated, expanding the natural science dimension to include cultural and social perspectives.

The interactive World Ocean aims to increase Ocean Literacy and strengthen the sustainable use of the coasts, seas and ocean by engaging people in a fun, informative and interactive way. The project will also be linked to the digital information web portal Ocean Online, which the DAM is developing to provide further information on the topics presented in the interactive world ocean.


Pictures and videos invite you to immerse yourself in the underwater world and highlight unexpected parallels, such as mussel banks in the deep sea and coastal waters.

Musselbank with crabs in the deep sea (at a cold seep in the Arabian Sea at a depth of 1,470 metres)
Musselbank with crabs in the deep sea (at a cold seep in the Arabian Sea at a depth of 1,470 metres) | Image: MARUM, Universität Bremen
Blue mussel bank with starfish in shallow water (Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic Sea)
Blue mussel bank with starfish in shallow water (Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic Sea) | Image: Dirk Schories
The long-nosed chimaera lives in the deep sea (the Arabian Sea at a depth of 1,975 metres)
The long-nosed chimaera lives in the deep sea (the Arabian Sea at a depth of 1,975 metres) | Image: MARUM, Universität Bremen
The eelpout lives in shallow water in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Atlantic Ocean
The eelpout lives in shallow water in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Atlantic Ocean | Image: Dirk Schories

The interactive world ocean is an official contribution to the EU mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’. The mission aims to restore and create a healthy ocean, seas, and coastal and inland waters. Achieving this relies on a paradigm shift in our thinking: we must understand the vital role that our ocean and other waterbodies play for us, and we must actively work on preserving and restoring the health of these ecosystems, instead of continuing to destroy them.

The project is also being prepared for registration as an official contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, 2021-2030.

The project is funded by the Northern federal states of Germany –  Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.




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Our Sponsors

The federal government and the governments of the five northern German states support the current development and sponsor the DAM.