Research: Eine große Welle trifft mit voller Wucht auf eine Kaimauer mit Leuchtturm bei Sturm.
NEWS | 04.07.2022

Announcement for 3rd DAM research mission published

Topic "marine extreme events and natural hazards" / Deadline for the submission of project outlines: November 1st, 2022

On July 1st, the funding announcement for the third DAM research mission titled “Pathways to improved risk management in the field of marine extreme events and natural hazards” was published in the Federal Gazette. DAM cordially invites interested parties to apply for participation.

The focus of the 3rd DAM research mission is on dealing with the interactions between short-term, multiple, and cascading extreme events and natural hazards, as well as their long-term impacts on marine ecosystems and coastal human life. Societal frameworks for dealing with extreme events and natural hazards will be included. The aim of the research mission is to significantly improve the predictive capacity for marine extreme events and natural hazards, thus supporting the sustainable development of coastal communities and strengthening the resilience of coastal society. With the involvement of societal and political stakeholders, powerful observation and early warning systems are to be developed that allow for monitoring, assessment and response, appropriate to the respective cascade of events. On the basis of high-resolution, event-based, synoptic observation data and models, it should be possible in future to quantify the probability and intensity of occurrence, as well as the impacts and consequences of extreme marine events and natural hazards in various scenarios. Possibilities for adaptation, prevention, protection and risk management are to be developed in a participatory manner.

Universities, non-university research institutions and commercial enterprises that are involved in the industry, who would like to participate in this research mission with an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary joint project, can submit their project outlines by November 1st, 2022. Membership of the DAM is not required.

The DAM research missions: providing solution-oriented knowledge for action

DAM’s transdisciplinary research missions focus on current and relevant societal challenges in marine research. The aim is to generate solution-oriented action knowledge for policy-makers, industry and the civil society – and thus enable science-based decisions on the protection and sustainable use of the coasts, seas and oceans in the regional, national and international context.

For general information or queries about the research missions, please contact Annekatrin Lehmann via email: If you are a scientist and would like to receive the latest information on the DAM research missions and other activities, please register for the DAM Science mailing list. This is aimed exclusively at scientists and is an independent distribution list in addition to the DAM Newsletter.

Further Information

  • Publication of the announcement in the Federal Gazette: Link
  • Further information on the aims and implementation of the DAM research missions can be found here.


Header-Image: Marcus Woodbridge / Unsplash

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